


Resource TypePosted On
Program to enter two 16 bit binary numbers and perform OR operation on itFeb 02
Procedure that prompts the user to read a decimal number in the range 32767 to...Jul 31
Program of an array to display it's content as inputted and reversing it's...Aug 13
Program to find the largest and smallest number from an array of n 16 bit nosFeb 26
Program to read two digits such that second digit is less than the first digit, ...Nov 26
Program to read two digits such that second digit is less than the first digit, ...Aug 15
Program that prompts the user to enter a character, and on subsequent lines prin...Sep 28
Program that prompts the user to enter a string of decimal digits, ending with a...May 27
programs uses two input files and produces output using binary search on criteri...Apr 10
Program uses two input files and produces output using binary search on criteria...Apr 04
Program that will read real number from the keyboard and print the following out...May 07
An application for copying 16-bit reverse data from one location to otherDec 21
Program that prompts the user to type a binary number.. ; of 16 digi...Mar 16
Program to display a 16 color bitmapAug 16
Program that will read a token from a user and find its typeOct 04
Program to illusrate data conversion user defined data types using functionsOct 24
Program to illusrate data conversion user defined data types using constructorOct 16
To copy 16-bit data from one array to other in reverse orderDec 22
Representation of integer constants on 16-bit machineMar 20
Write a shell program to display the alternate digits in a given 7 digit number ...Mar 10
Write a shell program to display the alternate digits in a given 7 digit number ...Jul 03
Program to convert Hexadecimal number to Binary number Jul 03
Program To Convert Decimal number to Binary numberDec 21
Program of an array to display it's content as inputted and reversing it's conte...Dec 19
Program that prompts the user to enter a string, then counts and display the num...Oct 29
Program to illusrate data conversion b/w built in data types and user defined ...Aug 16
Program to illusrate data conversion b/w built in data types and user defined ...Nov 12
Program to calculate anybody’s single digit lucky number Sep 15
Write a shell script to find sum of digits of a number Oct 05
Program to find minimum and maximum number from user specified 3 numbersMar 18
Program to print triangle of numbers and take number value from userApr 27
Program to find total numbers vowels, constants and digits in an input file Apr 21
Program for count number of digits in stringMay 24
Program to sum the digit of each digitOct 25
Program for Number Conversion from Decimal to Binary, Decimal to Octal, Decimal ...Sep 26
Program illustrates the output of integer numbers under various formatsDec 03
Formatted output of real numbersMar 31
Prolog program to print numbers from 1 to 25 and display output as shown in...Feb 21
Program to reverse the number eg given no : 12345, output want :...Apr 16
Program that prompts the user to type a hex number of four hex digits or less, a...Sep 09
Program of converting class type to basic variable of type string using conversi...Jan 27
Program to read two digits whose sum is less than 0, computes and display their ...Jan 04
Program to read two digits whose sum is less than 0, computes and display their ...Jan 20
Program to convert a decimal number into binary, octal and pental codeJul 15
Write a shell script to display the digits which are in odd position in a given ...Oct 17
Write a shell script to display the digits which are in odd position in a given ...May 31
Program to convert decimal number to binaryJun 07
Program to convert hexadecimal number to binaryFeb 22
An Assembly Language Program to find 2's Complement of given binary numberDec 20